Tag: Thailand

We are about to leave Thailand and our next stop will be Sydney in Australia. The last three weeks here in Thailand have been a huge experience for all of us. We learnt a lot about and with each other. Although we only saw a small part of this fascinating country, we leave Thailand with a very good impression. I think, this has been a very good place to start our Family World Trip. After Read more…

We just left Khao Lak – the beach town that got hit so hard by the tsunami in 2004. I remember that day exactly. I was in Goa, India, and there were breaking news everywhere. Today there are hardly any signs of the catastrophe 15 years ago. Khao Lak is a beach town absolutely dominated by European tourists. It is crazy, that more people here speak German, than in some of Germany’s neighboring countries. We Read more…

We finally started our Family World Trip. At this moment we are sitting at a beach bar on Koh Lanta in Thailand enjoying cocktails while watching the sunset. The kids are chasing a cat and playing in the sand. Life here is much more laid back and relaxed than in Bangkok, our first stop. Nevertheless, even though Bangkok is much more hectic and much polluted we liked our first stop over there. Although we were Read more…

In less than two weeks, my wife, the two sons and I will head off for what will very likely be the adventure of our life time! All together we will go on a family world trip. For seven months we will travel around Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, USA, Canada and Ireland. We will use all sorts of transportation, like plane, car, bus, train to completely surround the world Read more…

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